
Saturday, January 31, 2015


Love is the absolute worst feeling in the world. It leaves you vulnerable and helpless, hopeless and afraid, you are exposed no armor nothing to protect you from the force of the sword that is certain to come. You hate the person they make you angrier then anyone has ever before, easier then anyone, and yet you can’t stay angry at them. They annoy the living crap out of you, insult you, offend you, tick you off, and it’s nerve wrecking to trust someone as much as you unwillingly trust them! It makes you sick at your stomach when you fight, (which you’ll probably do a lot about stupid things and you know its stupid but still get so angry over!)


 Love makes it hard to sleep at night or think about things rationally, I mean you still have a rational side that voice just gets a lot quieter and it’s a lot harder to listen to no matter how hard you try. And when you can sleep your probably dreaming about them. Love is stupid literally stupid, like you just can’t think things through in the heat of the moment the heat of all those stupid petty little fights. It’s awful torture all those butterflies, being so bipolar with the loving one minute and hating the next fighting one second and making up literally two seconds later.


 Love is crazy and it makes you crazy and insane it’s ridiculous it sucks more then anything and hurts more then anything you’ve ever felt.


But that being said Love is amazing yes it’s hard but it’s worth it, if we never love we never live, it’s better to have loved and lost then to never loved at all, It’s amazing to have someone you trust more then anyone (and scary) and to be able to talk to someone no matter what. It’s worth having something worth fighting for it’s nice having someone you want to fight to keep with all the power you have even tho sometimes you may want to give up and you have to take a step back and weigh the good and the bad to see if it’s worth it, and it usually is.


 The wonderful feeling of not being able to stay mad at someone, or instantly being in a better mood when you see or even hear their sweet voice. Being able to hold that person and be there for them as much as they are for you, love is endless. Yes everyone’s love is different and some people have it easier and some have it harder but the question you will constantly ask yourself is “is it worth it?” and if it’s not it’s probably not love. Nothing good comes easy tho. Just because you and your BF/GF are BFF and exactly alike doesn’t mean it’s gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard with any relationship with anyone!


Weather they are just like you or are complete opposite. Love is a terribly, amazing, tragically, beautiful, thing to experience. I encourage you to fall in love even if you end up doing a face plant into the concrete or have before. Maybe don’t be stupid and naïve but don’t hold yourself back. Don’t rob yourself of an exciting adventure a roller coaster that will most definitely make you sick but in the end it’s all worth it. Don’t rush it tho just let it happen do go around looking for love, it’ll happen you just gotta have a little patience (which if your me you don’t have any of) ~A xox

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