
Sunday, January 4, 2015


Recently I got my nails done at a local nail salon, and let me start off by saying I will only go back there if I am in a pinch and have no other choice. The lady was so rude and rushed and it was hours before closing time and they only had one other person there, I don’t know why she acted the way she did but, I’m awkward enough as it is and she just made me so much more uncomfortable. Anyway I got gel nails (big mistake) and they are so hard to take off! I had gotten them before and told myself I would not get them again but, it was for Christmas and I needed them to last which they did very well in fact, but, when they started to chip and the sides started to lift up I was pretty much screwed. And when gel nails start to chip it looks pretty bad, like your nails themselves are breaking, and taking them off is nearly impossible it’s almost worst then using a super glue on your nails; but I was desperate and determined to get them off so I searched online and found a way to do it!




 You will need: a piece of paper (I used a paper placemat), pure acetone, 5 cotton balls, 10 pieces of foil (I tore mine into 3″x 3″ squares), a wood or metal orange stick, nail file, nail buffer


1.FILE: Use a coarse nail file to scratch the surface. You have to break through that clear coat they put on top last in order to get to the polish below. You don’t have to go crazy, just enough so that the acetone has a place to seep in.

2.SOAK: Tear 5 cotton balls in half so you have 10 pieces total. Soak them in acetone and lay them on the nail. Wrap your foil square around the finger and let it sit for about 10 minutes You can really only do one hand at a time.

3.SCRAPE: Start scraping the gel nail off with your cuticle stick. It should fall right off. If there’s some that seems hard to remove, put it back in to soak longer. NOTE: When you pull the foil off, don’t unwrap it, just pull it straight off the tip of your finger so it stays “cupped”. That way it stays the same shape incase you need to slide your finger back in it for a few more minutes. You don’t want to file or peel any of the gel off. Better to put it back in and let it sit for another minute or 2.

4.FINISH: Once you’ve removed all the gel color, you’ll most likely be left with little bit of a spotty clear layer. That’s where the primer and first clear coat meet and it doesn’t come up with the acetone. Then wash your hands thoroughly, then take a 4-sided buffer and smooth it all out. once you’ve buffed your nails they should be smooth with no scratches or divits. then you can shaped nails, rinse the dust off and paint them as usual.


If you don’t have the acetone you can use finger nail polish remover, it will be quite a bit harder and you won’t get as good results but will still be better then leaving  all that stuff on. (At least I think so)


I hope this helps you when you are in a pinch or hurry but really the best way is to have a professional take them off for you. ~A

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