
Monday, January 12, 2015


So earlier last week me and my little sister went to see ‘unbroken’ and it was an AMAZING movie! I encourage everyone to go see this movie it is very encouraging, and inspiring, and puts things into perspective. You think you’ve had it bad just look at all this guy has gone through. It is truly astonishing how strong one man can be. Basically this is what the movie is about if you don’t know.


This guy who got drafted in world war 2. He is Italian and him and his family moved to America when he was a young boy. He was bullied as a child and got into a lot of trouble, wasn’t the best kid and his brother help to guide him on the right path. And while on a mission, he along with some of the other guys on his team crashed their plane and got lost at sea for over a month only to be rescued and captured by the enemy and then taken to a concentration camp and horribly tortured. Throughout the movie it flashes between his present and past childhood.


I know it sounds pretty sad and it is but it is quite amazing and I think you should go to see it. I know it sounds like I gave away the whole movie right there but I promise there is so much more. I actually kind of want to go see it again ha, I am definitely buying it when it comes to DVD. I strongly encourage you to see this movie, if you are looking for something to watch on a date night or out with your friends or even alone and bored go to see this movie it is quite amazing.


I hope we have people like that to this day, and if we do then I don’t know about you but I have a heck of a lot more hope in America and humanity.


If you do see the movie let me know what you think about it in the comments below! ~A xoxo

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