
Thursday, January 22, 2015


So for the next couple of weeks I will be studying for my ACT test, and for the last month I have been FREAKING OUT and MEGA STRESSING over everything about the test. I find I am perfectly fine until, I think about the test then I start kind of you know freaking out… So I guess you could say I am a little nervous. But, if you are like me and stress/freak out when you are about to take a test or go somewhere or do anything here are some tips if you would like them to help calm your nerves!
Try imagining whatever it is going well! I am one of those people who don’t like to get their hopes up, but, imagining the worst is just as bad as thinking everything will be perfect when it is unrealistic. Maybe don’t put unrealistic expectations on the event at hand but don’t think the worst try to stay positive.
Feeling the full weight of the stress that you are even starting to get those nasty freak out break outs? Try relieving some of that stress by going for a little jog or even a walk, if it’s raining, nasty outside, or you just don’t feel like going outside try making some room and doing a 10-30 min workout! And remember yoga is a workout too and is a very good way to relax. Also try taking a bath with some candles and for a home remedy ‘stress reliever’ bath put in half a cup of Epsom salt and ¼ cup of baking soda into your hot bath water and stir before getting in, then simply just turn on some music and have some quiet time or read till you are ready to get out! And for those breakout try a honey 1tbls cinnamon ½ tsp and baking soday 1 tsp mask for 20 min.
Another way to relieve the anxiety of an upcoming event just make sure you have everything lined up, and ready to go so you don’t have to worry about the little details that keep you up at night. Just like you set your clothes out the day before and make sure your bag is all packed so you have more time, prep for the upcoming event and try to have everything planned out so you have less time for stress and more time for important things like sleep!
Try writing about it or talking to a close friend about it.
And lastly
BREATHE! I know I should take my own advice but just breathe it will be okay.
Hope this helped! Xox~A


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