
Thursday, January 1, 2015


I hope everyone is enjoying the first day of 2015, and the last bit of their winter break. I for one am loving my lovely little cold, the one that has made it a wonderful experience staying up all night with a burning sensation in my throat and my nose so stuffed that I get to finally start annoyingly breathe out of my mouth which also makes my throat even more dry! Don’t you just wish you were as lucky as me? Lol but hey, at least now I am home from work and sitting in my wonderful room watching a season 3 marathon of the walking dead.


I would like to say my new years eve was very eventful, but, it wasn’t. The most eventful thing that had happened was the lady that called my work telling my boss I put her daughter in the hospital, which is 100% not true. How she was saying it happened was that I had given her the wrong soda and refused to give her a new one. Which I find really funny because for one, I gave her the right soda and I offered her not once, but three times to change it for her and she refused so there’s one lie and the second was that regular soda put her in the hospital and diet would not have, that is the second lie, I don’t know why someone would lie about something like that? And if a soda could send your daughter into the hospital why not let me change it or not give her soda and take that chance? Sometimes I think people don’t know how to think.


For some reason I thought yesterday would be more busy then today but boy was I wrong we were practically drowning in customers, and just when we start to slow down a bus full of basketball players 10 feet tall pull in. So it was a very very busy day and I am quite tired and ready for about 4 days off, but alas I only have one and I am going to soak it up as much as I possibly can… I hope you all had a wonderful end to 2014 and beginning  to 2015 I would wish you all the luck in the world but let’s face it we make our own luck in this world, so I’ll wish you good health to be a hard worker for you good luck to come. ~A

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