
Sunday, March 1, 2015


This past two weeks have left me extremely bored. I was either sick and had to stay home and away from the people in society, or have been snowed in... like today. I have died several times mentally of boredom, and I just can't really stand it anymore. I am a person who has to be constantly entertained but, I am pretty easy to entertain usually just watching tv with someone else or watching them play a game is entertaining. But my sister stays in her room all day and like I said I was sick so couldn't be around people or snowed in so no one could here. So alas I had to find ways to entertain myself, and if you are anything like me you may want to keep reading.


If you are hungry because you are actually hungry then by all means go ahead dig into that left over cheesecake, or grab a back of pretzels and start scooping up that nutella. Or you know eat something healthy and better fulfilling to hold you over better, that works too I gues... but whatever you do don't eat just because you are bored and need an activity to do, it's hard I know but if you eat just because your bored next thing you know you'll be on the next season of the biggest loser, and lets face it none of us want to run that many laps or lift that much, we'd all rather be slightly over weight and be lazy. (THIS IS A JOKE NO OFFENSE)


D a little workout, instead of watching a show you've seen 10 times and know your totally bored with it just do some sit-ups or cruches (personally I like cruches better) do some squats or jumping jacks, wall sit, go running, jump rope anything. keep your body moving you wont be so terribly bored!


Now I understand if you are sick you can't very well exercise cause that'd be god awful. But you can play video games or if you have someone there that is willing a card or board game.. or you can just sit down and work on your artistic or poetic skills if you feel so inspired to. Or curl up with a good book that you haven't finished (which I have a few of...)


There are tons of social media websites that you can log into and stalk your friends and family, people you use to know or dislike lol jk (NOT REALLY) get on facebook, instagram, twitter, tumblr, pinterest, weheartit, etc. there are a ton of them heck if you wanna, go online shopping or online window shopping watch videos the possibilities are endless... sorta as long as you have wifi or data.


Cook or bake something! cookies, muffins, cupcake, pasta, ramen. anything you like to cook it's a good time killer and then you can take a picture of your creation and post it on social media! double wammie! (not sure if that's spelled right)


Take a nice long nap! get some extra Z's especially if you're
 sick you need the rest to get better!!!

anyway that's all I have hope you guys liked it and it helps somehow sorry it's so long! ~A XOX

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