
Tuesday, January 6, 2015


So lately me and my sister have been on the subject of why people have to hate on certain celebrities that they praise other celebrities for. I for one do the same thing and I try not to and I don't do it as badly since I have become more infatuated with my "fangirl" career, yes career. Go ahead judge me I don't care I love it, it's a wonderful career it has it's downs tho but what career doesn't? I mean I wish this was a paying career but alas we can't have everything we want, and I know your saying "You idiot how can it be a 'career' if you don't get paid?" let me clarify something for you. A career is a job you dedicate you life or part of your life to, and it's a job keeping up with all your favorite celebrities and keeping a good fan account on the social media sites and I dedicate my life to that job therefor it is my career. There now you know, now back to subject on hand.


Why do you have to hate on one celebrity but not the other? I mean most of them have worked their butts off to do what they love everyday, and just because they love doing it and it looks all fun and games doesn't mean it's any easier. I mean just because they worked hard and didn't take no for an answer and got their dream jobs, just because life is working out for them as far as we can see doesn't mean we have to knock them down. and some people just do it because their jealous, some just because they just don't like them or their music, acting, etc. but that doesn't give us the right to go out of our way to put them down, they are people too, a lot richer but still people. I mean if you got your dream job would you want someone criticizing everything you did, saying you didn't deserve to be where you are, even tho you worked your butt off to get their and you had just as much of a right as anyone else to be there wouldn't you be confused as to why people were going out of their way to put you down on a job lots of other people think your doing well on, or angry that they can't just do their job and let you do yours?

I mean c'mon people you may hate one celebrity but you love another and a lot of them do the same things so before you go and hate just ask yourself a few of these questions and double check this.

Celebrities are ordinary people with extraordinary jobs.

but then again there are some pretty extraordinary people out there.


I hope this helped enlighten you, As I said before I sadly do the same thing but I try not to and I know its pretty impossible not to do it but the least we can do is try to respect when other people like a certain celebrity and shut up so they can listen/watch them.

Thanks, Loves. ~xoxo A

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