
Saturday, January 31, 2015


Love is the absolute worst feeling in the world. It leaves you vulnerable and helpless, hopeless and afraid, you are exposed no armor nothing to protect you from the force of the sword that is certain to come. You hate the person they make you angrier then anyone has ever before, easier then anyone, and yet you can’t stay angry at them. They annoy the living crap out of you, insult you, offend you, tick you off, and it’s nerve wrecking to trust someone as much as you unwillingly trust them! It makes you sick at your stomach when you fight, (which you’ll probably do a lot about stupid things and you know its stupid but still get so angry over!)


 Love makes it hard to sleep at night or think about things rationally, I mean you still have a rational side that voice just gets a lot quieter and it’s a lot harder to listen to no matter how hard you try. And when you can sleep your probably dreaming about them. Love is stupid literally stupid, like you just can’t think things through in the heat of the moment the heat of all those stupid petty little fights. It’s awful torture all those butterflies, being so bipolar with the loving one minute and hating the next fighting one second and making up literally two seconds later.


 Love is crazy and it makes you crazy and insane it’s ridiculous it sucks more then anything and hurts more then anything you’ve ever felt.


But that being said Love is amazing yes it’s hard but it’s worth it, if we never love we never live, it’s better to have loved and lost then to never loved at all, It’s amazing to have someone you trust more then anyone (and scary) and to be able to talk to someone no matter what. It’s worth having something worth fighting for it’s nice having someone you want to fight to keep with all the power you have even tho sometimes you may want to give up and you have to take a step back and weigh the good and the bad to see if it’s worth it, and it usually is.


 The wonderful feeling of not being able to stay mad at someone, or instantly being in a better mood when you see or even hear their sweet voice. Being able to hold that person and be there for them as much as they are for you, love is endless. Yes everyone’s love is different and some people have it easier and some have it harder but the question you will constantly ask yourself is “is it worth it?” and if it’s not it’s probably not love. Nothing good comes easy tho. Just because you and your BF/GF are BFF and exactly alike doesn’t mean it’s gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard with any relationship with anyone!


Weather they are just like you or are complete opposite. Love is a terribly, amazing, tragically, beautiful, thing to experience. I encourage you to fall in love even if you end up doing a face plant into the concrete or have before. Maybe don’t be stupid and naïve but don’t hold yourself back. Don’t rob yourself of an exciting adventure a roller coaster that will most definitely make you sick but in the end it’s all worth it. Don’t rush it tho just let it happen do go around looking for love, it’ll happen you just gotta have a little patience (which if your me you don’t have any of) ~A xox

Thursday, January 22, 2015


So for the next couple of weeks I will be studying for my ACT test, and for the last month I have been FREAKING OUT and MEGA STRESSING over everything about the test. I find I am perfectly fine until, I think about the test then I start kind of you know freaking out… So I guess you could say I am a little nervous. But, if you are like me and stress/freak out when you are about to take a test or go somewhere or do anything here are some tips if you would like them to help calm your nerves!
Try imagining whatever it is going well! I am one of those people who don’t like to get their hopes up, but, imagining the worst is just as bad as thinking everything will be perfect when it is unrealistic. Maybe don’t put unrealistic expectations on the event at hand but don’t think the worst try to stay positive.
Feeling the full weight of the stress that you are even starting to get those nasty freak out break outs? Try relieving some of that stress by going for a little jog or even a walk, if it’s raining, nasty outside, or you just don’t feel like going outside try making some room and doing a 10-30 min workout! And remember yoga is a workout too and is a very good way to relax. Also try taking a bath with some candles and for a home remedy ‘stress reliever’ bath put in half a cup of Epsom salt and ¼ cup of baking soda into your hot bath water and stir before getting in, then simply just turn on some music and have some quiet time or read till you are ready to get out! And for those breakout try a honey 1tbls cinnamon ½ tsp and baking soday 1 tsp mask for 20 min.
Another way to relieve the anxiety of an upcoming event just make sure you have everything lined up, and ready to go so you don’t have to worry about the little details that keep you up at night. Just like you set your clothes out the day before and make sure your bag is all packed so you have more time, prep for the upcoming event and try to have everything planned out so you have less time for stress and more time for important things like sleep!
Try writing about it or talking to a close friend about it.
And lastly
BREATHE! I know I should take my own advice but just breathe it will be okay.
Hope this helped! Xox~A


Monday, January 12, 2015


So earlier last week me and my little sister went to see ‘unbroken’ and it was an AMAZING movie! I encourage everyone to go see this movie it is very encouraging, and inspiring, and puts things into perspective. You think you’ve had it bad just look at all this guy has gone through. It is truly astonishing how strong one man can be. Basically this is what the movie is about if you don’t know.


This guy who got drafted in world war 2. He is Italian and him and his family moved to America when he was a young boy. He was bullied as a child and got into a lot of trouble, wasn’t the best kid and his brother help to guide him on the right path. And while on a mission, he along with some of the other guys on his team crashed their plane and got lost at sea for over a month only to be rescued and captured by the enemy and then taken to a concentration camp and horribly tortured. Throughout the movie it flashes between his present and past childhood.


I know it sounds pretty sad and it is but it is quite amazing and I think you should go to see it. I know it sounds like I gave away the whole movie right there but I promise there is so much more. I actually kind of want to go see it again ha, I am definitely buying it when it comes to DVD. I strongly encourage you to see this movie, if you are looking for something to watch on a date night or out with your friends or even alone and bored go to see this movie it is quite amazing.


I hope we have people like that to this day, and if we do then I don’t know about you but I have a heck of a lot more hope in America and humanity.


If you do see the movie let me know what you think about it in the comments below! ~A xoxo

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


So lately me and my sister have been on the subject of why people have to hate on certain celebrities that they praise other celebrities for. I for one do the same thing and I try not to and I don't do it as badly since I have become more infatuated with my "fangirl" career, yes career. Go ahead judge me I don't care I love it, it's a wonderful career it has it's downs tho but what career doesn't? I mean I wish this was a paying career but alas we can't have everything we want, and I know your saying "You idiot how can it be a 'career' if you don't get paid?" let me clarify something for you. A career is a job you dedicate you life or part of your life to, and it's a job keeping up with all your favorite celebrities and keeping a good fan account on the social media sites and I dedicate my life to that job therefor it is my career. There now you know, now back to subject on hand.


Why do you have to hate on one celebrity but not the other? I mean most of them have worked their butts off to do what they love everyday, and just because they love doing it and it looks all fun and games doesn't mean it's any easier. I mean just because they worked hard and didn't take no for an answer and got their dream jobs, just because life is working out for them as far as we can see doesn't mean we have to knock them down. and some people just do it because their jealous, some just because they just don't like them or their music, acting, etc. but that doesn't give us the right to go out of our way to put them down, they are people too, a lot richer but still people. I mean if you got your dream job would you want someone criticizing everything you did, saying you didn't deserve to be where you are, even tho you worked your butt off to get their and you had just as much of a right as anyone else to be there wouldn't you be confused as to why people were going out of their way to put you down on a job lots of other people think your doing well on, or angry that they can't just do their job and let you do yours?

I mean c'mon people you may hate one celebrity but you love another and a lot of them do the same things so before you go and hate just ask yourself a few of these questions and double check this.

Celebrities are ordinary people with extraordinary jobs.

but then again there are some pretty extraordinary people out there.


I hope this helped enlighten you, As I said before I sadly do the same thing but I try not to and I know its pretty impossible not to do it but the least we can do is try to respect when other people like a certain celebrity and shut up so they can listen/watch them.

Thanks, Loves. ~xoxo A

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Recently I got my nails done at a local nail salon, and let me start off by saying I will only go back there if I am in a pinch and have no other choice. The lady was so rude and rushed and it was hours before closing time and they only had one other person there, I don’t know why she acted the way she did but, I’m awkward enough as it is and she just made me so much more uncomfortable. Anyway I got gel nails (big mistake) and they are so hard to take off! I had gotten them before and told myself I would not get them again but, it was for Christmas and I needed them to last which they did very well in fact, but, when they started to chip and the sides started to lift up I was pretty much screwed. And when gel nails start to chip it looks pretty bad, like your nails themselves are breaking, and taking them off is nearly impossible it’s almost worst then using a super glue on your nails; but I was desperate and determined to get them off so I searched online and found a way to do it!




 You will need: a piece of paper (I used a paper placemat), pure acetone, 5 cotton balls, 10 pieces of foil (I tore mine into 3″x 3″ squares), a wood or metal orange stick, nail file, nail buffer


1.FILE: Use a coarse nail file to scratch the surface. You have to break through that clear coat they put on top last in order to get to the polish below. You don’t have to go crazy, just enough so that the acetone has a place to seep in.

2.SOAK: Tear 5 cotton balls in half so you have 10 pieces total. Soak them in acetone and lay them on the nail. Wrap your foil square around the finger and let it sit for about 10 minutes You can really only do one hand at a time.

3.SCRAPE: Start scraping the gel nail off with your cuticle stick. It should fall right off. If there’s some that seems hard to remove, put it back in to soak longer. NOTE: When you pull the foil off, don’t unwrap it, just pull it straight off the tip of your finger so it stays “cupped”. That way it stays the same shape incase you need to slide your finger back in it for a few more minutes. You don’t want to file or peel any of the gel off. Better to put it back in and let it sit for another minute or 2.

4.FINISH: Once you’ve removed all the gel color, you’ll most likely be left with little bit of a spotty clear layer. That’s where the primer and first clear coat meet and it doesn’t come up with the acetone. Then wash your hands thoroughly, then take a 4-sided buffer and smooth it all out. once you’ve buffed your nails they should be smooth with no scratches or divits. then you can shaped nails, rinse the dust off and paint them as usual.


If you don’t have the acetone you can use finger nail polish remover, it will be quite a bit harder and you won’t get as good results but will still be better then leaving  all that stuff on. (At least I think so)


I hope this helps you when you are in a pinch or hurry but really the best way is to have a professional take them off for you. ~A

Thursday, January 1, 2015


I hope everyone is enjoying the first day of 2015, and the last bit of their winter break. I for one am loving my lovely little cold, the one that has made it a wonderful experience staying up all night with a burning sensation in my throat and my nose so stuffed that I get to finally start annoyingly breathe out of my mouth which also makes my throat even more dry! Don’t you just wish you were as lucky as me? Lol but hey, at least now I am home from work and sitting in my wonderful room watching a season 3 marathon of the walking dead.


I would like to say my new years eve was very eventful, but, it wasn’t. The most eventful thing that had happened was the lady that called my work telling my boss I put her daughter in the hospital, which is 100% not true. How she was saying it happened was that I had given her the wrong soda and refused to give her a new one. Which I find really funny because for one, I gave her the right soda and I offered her not once, but three times to change it for her and she refused so there’s one lie and the second was that regular soda put her in the hospital and diet would not have, that is the second lie, I don’t know why someone would lie about something like that? And if a soda could send your daughter into the hospital why not let me change it or not give her soda and take that chance? Sometimes I think people don’t know how to think.


For some reason I thought yesterday would be more busy then today but boy was I wrong we were practically drowning in customers, and just when we start to slow down a bus full of basketball players 10 feet tall pull in. So it was a very very busy day and I am quite tired and ready for about 4 days off, but alas I only have one and I am going to soak it up as much as I possibly can… I hope you all had a wonderful end to 2014 and beginning  to 2015 I would wish you all the luck in the world but let’s face it we make our own luck in this world, so I’ll wish you good health to be a hard worker for you good luck to come. ~A