
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hello Humans!

Hello humans! I come in peace! Yes, yes I know I haven't posted since the Dinosaurs last roamed the earth, and yes I know I always start my posts with apologizing that I haven't posted in a while but I swear I will start trying to work on it! Okay back to the scheduled program.

So Ti's the season for going back to school. New book, clothes, pencils, crushed hopes and dreams and of course for us college students the soul crushing realization that you are going to be broke until next summer.. Well actually till we have graduated and by some miracle find a good paying job, so about 4-6 years of being broke, oh what joys of college! I myself have started my second semester at the community college and I'm already sweating about my math tests! English not so much, my English teacher is pretty chill although he did tell us we would have a ton of homework in that class, so not excited about that! I just signed up for marriage and family which my friend forced me to do (I hope you're happy I gave up my hour break for you!) the good thing about my college is I get to use their gym for only 15 dollars a semester, but I might have to wait a whole other month to use it, I don't quite understand why and thinks it's a dumb rule but whatever I'll still take it.

College is expensive even community college, that's why I don't understand how people can go to a university for a year or two then all of a sudden decide to go to a community college instead after spending all that money on a specific college for a specific major... I would be living in a box by now if that were me and I have literally talked to so many kids already at my school who have done that because 2 years after going to that university they decide they aren't sure they want the degree they've been paying to get and are already halfway there so they start over and now are in immense student debt... Like how does that not give you panic and anxiety attacks every 5 min?? is it just me, am I overreacting like is this really not a big deal and I just have stress and anxiety problems?? cause even thinking about this makes me panic a little, but whatever I guess you just gotta do what's best for you even if it means spending thousands to a college you don't like. Moving on though!

I don't feel like me and my friends are old enough to be going to college, it seems like just last week I was getting my drivers license and now I'll be able to vote for the next president and can go to college classes and people that are just a year 2 years older then me are getting married and having kids! Like what even is this!? We are not old enough to be adults.

Well soon we will all be graduating and getting married as well.. *SHIVERS*

So are you guys in college or High-school or graduated? If you are in school what is your favorite class, or if you are out what was your favorite class? And favorite teacher! Can't forget about those few teachers who actually care about the student and enjoy their job and through all the horrid stuff still make school a little better and not as dreadful to go to.

That's all lovelies! ~ A xoxo

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