
Tuesday, April 28, 2015


So I haven't posted anything in quite a while, mostly because of writers block... I'm still not sure what to write about, but I'm bound to write something even if it means winging it.. But alas, my easily distracted mind has just remembered my friend just got married this weekend! So go get your popcorn, turn up your music and get comfy kiddies cause it's story time!

So a friend from work who has had a long distance relationship with her fiance for two years, recently tied the knot! This Friday to be exact, and let me tell you, it was BEAUTIFUL! From the white string lights to the bridesmaid dress it was just gorgeous! It looked like a fairy tale that I wish I could visit every time I have a bad dream. It was held in a whine brewery in a cute town I love so much, it was held outside on a beautiful balcony/porch type thing. (Haha) with white stringy Christmas lights hanging up everywhere, the color theme is turquoise and deep red, which you would think wouldn't go but it was quite gorgeous. Hair and makeup was flawless, smiles all around the room pure joy from close friends and family, not just a bunch of people who barely know the bride and groom, but people who actually are close to them and care for them and want to see them live happily ever after, genuine happiness for them.

The sermon was beautiful and so much good advice. But the look on the grooms face with anticipation of seeing his bride walk down that isle trumped it all. The smile he could barely contain, it was priceless. And then, then came the bride. Walking down the isle in a long strapless BEAUTIFUL dress, that sparkled and had a elegant beaded belt and she was breathtaking! And the groom realized just how lucky he was and you could tell by the spirited look on his face.

It was so gorgeous I don't know how else to describe it other then fairy tale like. And the inside reception area was just as beautiful and enchanting, she really out did herself and it paid off it was just amazing!

And to make it even better I went with some people from work and it was one of the best nights I've had in such a long time! I laughed so incredibly hard I swear my face almost froze in a smile form (And not the flattering kind)

it was a beautiful wedding and an amazing, fun night that I am so glad I did not miss out on.

I am going to miss working with her tho, I don't know how I'm going to get through those long dreadful days without her sassy attitude, and sarcastic comments. Making fun of rude customers and her laughing at my awful Stacy Dillsen accent (If you don't know what I'm talking about go watch Zoey 101 please!) But I'm happy for her and her husband and I hope they are happy and do well in their new life together, I wish them the best of luck, lots of love, and years together (maybe children) lol.

So I'd say it was a pretty good weekend getting to see my friend marry the man that makes her happy and share the experience of her beautiful wedding with some quite hilarious friends.

Lots of love ~ A