
Monday, December 29, 2014

Nerd Soci3ty

So you must be wondering why yet another blog has been created when there are thousands, upon thousands out there for you to read; Well I just ask for one thing, give this one a chance like you did for the hundreds you’ve stumbled upon before. I know I am not very good at writing nor am I good at punctuation, but I love it, and I would love to become a English major in a top English school. So, to help me get into an amazing or semi amazing school I decided to start a blog, and you too can help me accomplish my outrageous dreams, you too could be apart of yet another amazing journey and help a girl out.. I mean you wouldn’t want to crush somebody’s dreams would you? I’m sure you have dreams and ambitions as well and I would help you as well so let’s just help each other. And to help me all you have to do is read and spread the word about this blog! Okay, okay I will let you know what this blog is gonna be about and a little about me now.



This blog is pretty much everything having to do with life, or my life at least. I will of course write stories. Weather they are true or fictional events I made up. Don’t worry you’ll be able to tell which is which. I will post advice or my opinions on things, recipes, DIY projects, reviews on music, movies, and TV shows I have recently seen, I will ramble on about something a celebrity did or said and I will state everything I believe without a filter. I encourage feedback so don’t be afraid to comment.


I Am 17. Female, weird, awkward, and simple yet complicated. I don’t always know what I like, but, I do always know what I do not like (One of those things being human confrontation.) I live some place small yet so big, I have a big family, I like sweet foods and I cannot handle not being able to do something about a situation. I am very passionate especially when it comes to people I care about, you do anything to hurt or screw them over you will feel my wrath, I am very girly in some ways and very tomb boy in others, and lastly I probably made this intro way too long.. aha hope you like this blog. J